Tuesday 10 May 2011

Personas and Scenarios

1: Husky is a 38 year old gangster. He also plays a role of recruiter and dealer. Words to describe his personality are cunning, shrewd, intelligent, charming, salesmen, violent, leader and smooth operator. He was born in Bridge Town and hardly ever attended school. He dropped out of Bridge Town East High School when he was 13 years old and was recruited into the Americans gang. He has several criminal cases pending and he has been in and out of prison most of his life. In prison he runs cells but currently out of prison his job is to do crime and to make quick cash. He has several ladies and always searches for immediate gratification. He is never satisfied and is very restless in between “jobs”. He is looking for kids to recruit for the gang.
2: Alisha is a 15 year old girl. She comes from a good family (parents are still together) and is still in school at Athlone High grade 10. She is a good girl but is at a rebellious stage in her life. Like all girls her age she seeks attention and wants to be popular. Her personality can be described as noisy, assertive, agitator, ambitious, willing to take risks to prove herself and will smoke weed for recreational use.
3: Roy is a 11 year old boy living with his mother in Silver town. He wants to be a sports/football star. School is not that important although he is currently at Blossom Jnr. His mother still takes him to the New Apostolic church on Sundays.  He is tempted to be experimental with drugs and is shy with girls. He is opinionated, ambitious, impressionable, status is important to him, likes the limelight and is popular in his group.
4: Rajie is a 58 year old male working on the same premises as his wife, she owns the hairdresser and he owns the corner tuck shop. He is vary talkative and is also easy to chat to. On a daily bases he overlooks all the gang related activity in and around his premises. He has no choice and cannot say something about it because then he risks being caught up in violence or being killed.
Alisha goes to the corner shop on a Saturday afternoon (15:00). A group of guys are standing outside the shop and one of the lower gang members chirps her.
When she leaves the shop and the guy chirps her again, Husky steps in and tells the guy to keep quite. Alisha then feels comfort in his presents.
The relationship develops over time. Husky creates trust between them and gives Alisha attention by picking her up from school in his flashy car.
On another day Husky has an intentional violent outburst in front of Alisha (not at her but to someone else, she now knows not to get on the bad side of Husky). After this he starts to ask her for favours (Keeping his drugs or his gun etc).

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