Thursday 26 May 2011

Foundation Ideas 01

Seating Area: Benches would be placed in areas of Bridgetown to invite and indicate a place where the BlueTooth Boxes are sending out a message.

Join the Dots!: This would be a game for Primary School children, where they search for the BlueTooth Boxes and download different pieces of a picture puzzle. The last piece of the picture would be available at Rlabs, where they would print out the full picture and give it for the children to colour in.

Tuck Shop Testing: Four components for testing in a tuck shop area would be necessary. The first would be a poster to invite people to switch on their BlueTooth on their mobile phones, to enable them to receive a free beverage. The second component is the message received on the mobile phones and would then direct them to the tuck shop in the nearby vicinity. The tuck shop is the third component as a place, where the people would receive the free-bee. The fourth component is where we step in and ask or interview the people about the experience.

BlueTooth Stories: These would be free standing BlueTooth poles placed in the Athlone area where people could download stories of inspiration and guidance. To attract peoples attention posters on the poles would say “Love here”, “Story time” or even “Free Kisses”, together with a BlueTooth sign to indicate a Bluetooth area.

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