Thursday 26 May 2011

Friday Probe Test Run

We arrived at Rlabs around midday and discussed the probe idea with Brent. He offered to come with and help us at the school. Because our target market is school kids, we wanted to test the probe with them as the school came out at 12:45 (they are not allowed to have or use mobile phones during school time).

We took the "broken" Bluetooth box with us to have one last attempt at fixing it. After loading the freshly received software from Sweden, the box was working properly.

Here are some pictures taken by Brent during the test run in front of Bridgetown High. The duration of the test took about 20min.

Bridgetown High, Main entrance.

Handing out the flyers.

Schoolchildren receiving the Jpeg message.

Schoolchildren filling in the forms.

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