Thursday 26 May 2011

Deliverables, Feasibility.

Technical implementation

Bluetooth is an established technology that is not fully exploited. It is however pertinent to place centric computing that is cost effective. The application “Postbox” would be a small size to allow the first time user to download/receive it through one of the Bluetooth boxes/Postboxes.

Rational and alternatives

Given the size of Athlone or Bridgetown the ability to roll out bluetooth technology (the postbox) is not feasible due to the limited range of connectivity. Zigbee as an alternative, offers a greater connectivity range/signal (up to 1,5 km). This technology (open source) allows for sending and receiving messages. This creates a richer environment for both the community and Rlabs to explore possibilities in an dynamic way.

NOTE: It would be advisable to implement Zigbee as a mode of communication at the outset of this project, as it allows for two way communication which the probe does not.

Deliverables, Viability.

Business model

The Postbox project has three steps of scalability. Scalability is essential to Rlabs as a business model.

The Fixed Node is place specific, should there be a relationship between Rlabs and the a school kid. This would establish trust between the two parties. It would allow the school kid to become a “champion” for Rlabs and what they are trying to achieve (Social media for social change). Through training with Rlabs the school kid would learn how to use and maintain the technology.

Ambient node is taking the Postbox project into the crescent, thereby broadening the awareness of what is on offer to the community. The school kid (driver)in conjunction with Rlabs helps spread the word as well as maintaining the technology.

Site specific nodes are only implemented when the community is fully aware of the various nodes and the technology/communication it offers.

An application can be implemented when the Site specific nodes are in use, as a platform to enable the user/s to send a message through Bluetooth to either a single number or a group. “Roll-out”.



Rational and alternatives

The project will become an established communication service that is free monetarily as well as a community “post box” to use at their own discretion. Parallel to this Rlabs has the ability to overlay their own strategy. The target market can be described as everyone that has a compatible mobile phone within the community.

Deliverables, Desirability.


What is it (Name)? The Postbox project.

What does it do (Function)? In the initial phase “The Postbox project” (Fixed Nodes) are place specific areas that separate the boundary between public space and private property.

The Postbox project targets selected schoolchildren at their homes, to form a joint partnership with Rlabs. In doing so Rlabs can use their physical address as a communication pipeline. Rlabs can drop off flyers that communicate any upcoming events or new information (via the SD card) in the postbox for the family to read and discuss. This will generate a dialogue to create the possibility for positive social change where the Messenger (the school kid) can begin to learn how to use the bluetooth box in conjunction with Rlabs. The school kid is given the responsibility of what to distribute through the box to the public space. In this case - the street.

In its scalability “The Postbox project” becomes a communication service/platform for leaving messages in a place where the technology is placed, for example:

The Fixed node (on the boundary of home and street) the school kid can leave a message for friends, “Don’t knock, as I am in deep trouble!”.

The Ambient node (Placed in the middle of a crescent/park) the message may be, “Soccer match moved to the other cresent, be there at 16:00”.

The Site Specific node (placed at the mall) may contain the following, “ Check out the sale at ‘Tekkie Town’ ”.


What is the value for the stakeholders?

For Rlabs, the paper drop off point or point and training establishes trust with the LH keeper, who then can pass awareness on to the community and this creates a social media network for Rlabs.

For the student (the messenger), they receive training, learn new responsibilities and having fun with the technology through interacting with the community. They become champions through responsibility (Rlabs training) as well being allowed to have fun with the technology through experimentation.

For the Community its awareness of what technology, students and Rlabs are capable of in terms of positive social change.

What is the reasoning behind your design/Design Rational?

Based on the Mobile Usage Report by Rlabs (February 2011), the following came to light:

The highest age group users of mobile phones are between 18-24 and the third highest user group is between 13-17 years of age. 44% of all the mobile users are in school and 23% are in college. 45%’s daily activity are studying and 33% unemployed (Make use of Rlabs Legacy?). Based on these figures, we decided to target - school kids as a market.

The reason for using Bluetooth (or other “free” distributing technologies) in our concept, is because most users have a monthly air time usage between R0-00 - R49-00. The most used function is “chat” to family and friends. The lowest used function is Bluetooth and we want to raise awareness around new possibilities and uses of Bluetooth as a free technology in the mobile community.

This may be achieved by expanding free communication capabilities to family and friends through the Postbox project.

Through our on the spot experiment/probe we found that the school children all knew and used Bluetooth. They also prefer MXit as a platform for communication because low airtime rates apply. Therefore if one could communicate via Bluetooth, it would be completely free and also popular among the target market.

Substantiate your value and experience claims: Process, method, rational.

This project undertook to investigate two major components.

A). Rlabs wanted to explore the possibilities of what Bluetooth as a technology for social change had to offer.

B). A Place centric probe was to be used for the first point of enquiry.

Although the probe was run as a competition, the entry form was designed to retrieve information. The knowledge and understanding of Bluetooth as a method of communication on their mobile phones was of significant importance. Based on the feedback the results were overwhelmingly positive. This demonstrates that the respondents are familiar with the technology.

Process critique:

The probe results show sound evidence that the respondents know how to use Bluetooth (as it is free) and that they prefer to use Mxit as a inexpensive tool for communication. The Postbox project would offer an alternative “place centric” tool of communication between users and/or community in conjunction with Rlabs.



Mapping addresses

Street addresses and house numbers: See map for pinpointing.

School children living in Athlone = 12

School children living outside Athlone = 15

Did not fill in address = 3

Can not find address on map = 3

Probe Finding 2 a

Probe Findings 2

Preferred way for entering competitions:

Only SMS: 6

Only MXit: 12

Both MXit and SMS: 6

BlueTooth: 4

Internet: 1

Flyers: 4

Respondents who knew of Rlabs and what they do: 1